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Advanced Booking Requirement for Open Enrolment Drop-In Classes PolicyAll of our open-enrolment, drop-in format, classes require participants to make a booking in advance of attending. This includes those who have purchased memberships for Puppy Social or Life Skills Level 2 and 3. Our Client Portal allows you to book a spot for an upcoming class up to 24 hours prior to the start time. This is to ensure our classes are not overbooked, that we have enough team members scheduled based on the confirmed booking numbers, and helps the trainer plan for the session. Purchasing a Puppy Social membership does not automatically reserve a spot in every class. To maintain a high-quality learning environment, we limit class size to ensure a balanced trainer/assistant-to-student ratio. Puppy Social is an open-enrolment, drop-in class, meaning anyone with an eligible puppy can join at any time. Therefore, it's essential to book your spot in each class as early as possible once it becomes available to avoid missing out due to limited space. Please note, it is your responsibility to book far enough in advance to ensure you can use your credits before they expire. No refunds are available for unused credits at the time your puppy ages out of the program. *Ensure you have read our Cancellations and No-Shows for Open Enrolment Drop-In Classes Policy prior to making your reservation if there is a chance you may end up not being able to attend.
Booking & Payment PolicyTo book any of our services, please create an account in our Client Portal. Many group classes can be self-booked through the portal (note that some may have prerequisites). For private training, bookings must be arranged directly through us. You can securely save a credit card in your BusyPaws account. Payment is required at the time of booking to secure your spot and avoid cancellations due to non-payment. You’ll receive a confirmation along with any important details for your upcoming training. If you encounter any issues with the Client Portal, please contact us at
Cancellation & No-Show for Private Training (1-on-1) PolicyCancellations made for any one-on-one private training services can be rescheduled up to 24 hours prior to your booking start time. This policy is designed to help you avoid incurring fees or forfeiting the credit (payment) associated with your booking. Cancellations with more than 24 hours' notice: Please use the self-cancellation feature in the client portal by logging in to your account and navigating to the booking you wish to cancel. Late Cancellations (less than 24 hours' notice): Notify us via email at or text 587-609-5665 prior to the start time of your booking. A $25+gst rescheduling fee will apply, which must be paid before your next appointment can be booked. No-Show: If you fail to properly cancel or show up for your booking, it will be considered a no-show. You will be charged the $25+gst rescheduling fee, and the credit associated with the appointment will be forfeited. Late Arrival to Meeting Location: If a client fails to arrive at their scheduled appointment time within 15 minutes of the start time, and no attempt has been made to contact the trainer or admin office to inform of their delay and anticipated arrival time, it will be considered a no-show. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise. However, we arrange our appointments and day based on what we have scheduled into the calendar. Once you book a private training appointment, it becomes unavailable to others. Therefore, we ask that you carefully plan your schedule before booking. Thank you for understanding and respecting our policies.
Cancellation & No-Show for Open Enrolment Drop-In Classes PolicyTo ensure smooth management of our open enrolment, drop-in format classes, we require a minimum of 24 hours’ notice for booking cancellations. This policy not only helps you avoid incurring fees or forfeiting the credit associated with your booking, but also ensures we can cover costs related to trainer fees and venue rentals, allowing us to continue offering high-quality services. Cancellations with more than 24 hours' notice: Please use the self-cancellation feature in the client portal by logging in to your account and navigating to the booking you wish to cancel. Late Cancellations (less than 24 hours' notice): Notify us via email at or text 587-609-5665 prior to the start time of your booking. A $10+gst late cancellation fee will apply, which must be paid before attending your next class. No-Shows: If you fail to properly cancel or show up for your booking, it will be considered a no-show. You will be charged the $10+gst late cancellation fee, and the class credit will be forfeited. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise. However, we limit the number of participants in our classes to ensure quality instruction. With less than 24 hours' notice, we’ve already planned for the number of participants signed up and may be unable to cancel staff or our rental space commitments at that point. Thank you for understanding and respecting our policies.
Canine Vaccinations & Records PolicyREQUIREMENTS FOR PUPPIES (under 4 months of age) All puppies who are deemed to be in good health by a veterinarian, have received at least their first round of core vaccination, and on a deworming schedule are welcome in class. REQUIREMENTS TEENS & ADULTS (4 months of age and older) All dogs must be up to date on their veterinarian's recommended immunization schedule for core vaccinations: distemper, hepatitis/adenovirus, parvovirus, and rabies. NEW CLIENTS All new clients must ensure that your most current vaccination record(s) are uploaded under your dog's profile in your client account online (BusyPaws Client Portal) no less than 24 hours prior to attending your first class. If you're having trouble updating the vaccination records on your pet's profile with the latest information you can also try using this form. EXISITING CLIENTS Existing clients are required to keep up with their veterinarian's recommended immunization schedule while they are actively taking part in classes with us and ensure their dog's most recent vaccination records are uploaded to their dog's profile in their online account as applicable. VACCINATION RECORDS We accept the following vaccination codes: DA2PPCV, DHPP, DAPP, DA2PP, or DAPPC for proof for immunization for distemper, hepatitis/adenovirus, and parvovirus. We require all dogs to have completed all of their necessary vaccination doses including rabies no later than 18 weeks. Non-core vaccinations such as Bordetella are not a requirement to come to class, but we always encourage discussing what is best for your dog's physical health protection with your veterinarian.
Expiration Policy - All Training ServicesThe Training Service Expiry Policy applies to all training services offered by Raising Fido. This policy governs the duration for which training program purchases remain valid and accessible to clients. The expiration date of each training service will vary depending on the specific program and subscription purchased. Policy Details: Period of Validity: Each training program purchase will be valid for a specific duration, which will be clearly stated and accessible on our website's FAQ page at all times (see chart below). Expiration Date: Clients are responsible for understanding the expiration date of their training program purchase and should ensure they utilize the services within the valid period. After the expiration date, any unused training credits become invalid and require re-purchase if you wish to continue your training program. No Refunds or Credits: Once a training program purchase has expired, there will be no refunds or credits issued for unused portions of the service. Please see the applicable Refund & Exchange Policy. Extensions for Training Services: There is no guarantee for an extension to any training service credits. In some cases, extensions may be considered if adequate notice is provided to the Raising Fido staff. Any exceptions are subject to the terms and conditions of the specific service purchased. Clients are encouraged to discuss the available options for extension or renewal with the Raising Fido management. Communication of Expiration: To ensure clients are aware of their training program's expiration date, notice of expiration will be sent via email by way of the client portal in advance. However, it remains the client's responsibility to keep track of the expiration date and plan their training accordingly. Failure to receive expiration notice via email will not be considered for extensions. Standard Cancellation Policy Applies: The validity date of training services does not negate our Cancellation Policy. Failure to properly cancel any booking or service within the requirements of the applicable cancellation policy will result in the forfeiture of all associated credits. It's important to adhere to the cancellation guidelines to avoid any loss of credits due to untimely cancellations or no-shows. For any questions relating to this policy, please contact us by email at
Expiration Policy - Preparing for FidoPreparing for Fido consists of 2 hours of consultation and guidance from a certified trainer about adding a new dog to your home. You may choose to divide these hours across two sessions. If time remains after your first session, the remaining time is valid for 90 days from the time of purchase.
Expiration Policy - Customized Private Training ProgramClients have up to 90 days from the date of an initial consultation to commence their proposed training program. If you decide to start a training program, but more than 90 days have past since the corresponding initial consultation, a new consult is required at the current price posted for the service at that time. Requiring clients to book a new consultation if it's been more than 90 days serves several purposes: Updated Information Behaviour is not static, and clients may have different wants/needs after 90 days has passed. A new consultation ensures that we have the most up-to-date information about the dog's behaviour and any new concerns or goals our client may have. Quality Assurance Helps us to maintain the quality and effectiveness of our private training program. By regularly reassessing a dog's behaviour and our client's needs, we can provide the best possible service, and make necessary adjustments to the program plans. Safety In some cases, there may be changes in a dog's health or behaviour that need to be reevaluated for safety reasons. A new consultation allows us to ensure that the training program remains safe and appropriate for each dog we are working with at all times. Program Optimization It provides an opportunity to optimize the training program based on the dog's progress and our client's feedback, ensuring that both experience positive results. Overall, requiring a new consultation after 90 days helps us maintain the highest standards of service and ensures that our clients and their dogs receive the most relevant and effective private training programs tailored to their evolving needs and goals. When a private training service is purchased it is valid for 1 year from the purchase date. Please note: any training sessions that are added following the commencement of a program are valid for 1 year from the new purchase date and are not connected to the expiry associated with the original program start date.
Expiration Policy - Teen Social Drop In & 5 Class PassPurchases related to Teen Socials are valid for 6 months or until your dog has turned 2 years old (which ever arrives sooner). This is to say that when your pup turns 2 years old, your Teen Social credits will no longer be valid, regardless of when they were purchased.
Intact Dogs PolicyWe do allow intact dogs to participate in group training, but there are caveats. Females in heat are not allowed to come to group class since even outside of our Teen Socials most courses have some off leash play as part of the curriculum. Clients whose dogs come into heat while in the midst of a set multi-session course are required to take a 6-week hiatus from classes and then can return to complete the remainder of their course. Males are allowed to participate in class as they mature. However, although this hasn't been officially studied, it's not uncommon to observe neutered males 'picking on' intact males, likely due to the distinct scent of intact males compared to the neutered dogs they would encounter more often. It’s also common for pubescent males to develop a fixation on a particular female, even when there are multiple females in the group. This fixation can lead to altercations, as their ability to respond to the female's signals may be hindered by hormonal influences. We will always do our best to use these opportunities to train if possible, but we do need to ensure that class dynamics are not impacting participants in negative ways. Occasionally this may require someone to change classes, or in some cases to take a break from classes for a period of time if it is going to require more attention and management than can be afforded during class in order to maintain a non-stressful experience for the dogs and their guardians. Our trainers reserve the right to determine whether a class change or a break from classes is most appropriate.
Life Skills Level 1 & Workshops Enrolment Deferral PolicyPayment is due at the time of booking for all training services, and we do not guarantee refunds on any purchases. However, we understand that life can get in the way, and some cancellations are unavoidable. If you are in adherence with our Group Training Refunds & Exchange Policy, you may be able to retain your purchase for up to 6 months, in order to enrol on a future start date. For your purchase to remain valid, your dog must be enrolled to start in the course within 6 months from the original time of purchase. The completion date of the course may be further than 6 months from the time of purchase. This expiration policy is specifically for Life Skills Level 1 and Workshops.
Make-Up Class PolicySince we guarantee a low participant maximum per class, they do tend to fill up and so make-up sessions are not usually possible. If the class you will miss is being covered by the same course on another day, and it has less than the max participants enrolled, then we will do our best to accommodate. However, if there isn’t space available, or the topic is not the same, then making up the class will not be an option. For this reason, please plan accordingly prior to booking. The written handout for the class that is missed can still be sent out to you in order to follow and practice at home before next class. Another option is to have a willing friend or family member bring your dog to class in your place and then pass on the information to you. This keeps your dog current with the lessons and doubles up as bonus training by having your dog work with a different handler.
Participation Requirement for Group Training PolicyExcept where explicitly advertised in writing, all Group Training classes are likely to include some element of off leash time for your dog amongst other dogs and people attending the same class. Unless expressly written otherwise in a class or course description, your ability to participate in any Group Training program is conditional upon it being to the best of your knowledge, that your dog has never inflicted an injurious bite to a person or dog. Please reach out to us directly via email at if you've had an injurious situation with a redirected bite so we can assess the details to help determine if our Group Training programs would be an option for your dog.
Refund or Exchange Policy - Group Training ServicesA refund or exchange will only be considered if notice of cancellation is provided via email to no less than 5 business days prior to your training start date AND we are able to fill your spot in the class. We will put forth our best effort, but cannot guarantee this will be possible. However, if the above criteria is met, a refund will be issued minus a non-refundable $35 administration fee. Once training has commenced we are unable to provide a refund of any amount. If your dog becomes unwell, we encourage you to attend class without your dog in order to observe and practice at home using the written handout. A refund will not be issued if your dog is removed from class due to concerns for their own psychological welfare (too fearful) or that of other participants (aggression). If uncertain whether your dog will be a good match for a particular class, please get in touch with us at to discuss prior to booking. We understand that despite best laid plans sometimes things happen unexpectedly; however, we limit participant numbers in our classes in order to provide quality instruction and to maintain safety in our classroom. We appreciate your understanding that once you have booked a training spot this means we have agreed to hold it for you and so becomes unavailable to others who may wish to attend. For these reasons, please plan carefully with regard to your schedule and ability to commit to a training class/course before booking. We appreciate your understanding of and consideration for our policies.
Refund or Exchange Policy - Private Training ServicesAll payments for individual bookings such as private consultations and private training sessions are non-refundable after purchase. Exchange in the form of a store credit toward alternative services actively offered by Raising Fido may be offered on a case-by-case basis at the sole-discretion of the Company where appropriate.
Refund or Exchange - Retail ItemsWe do not offer refunds on retail items; but some items are eligible for exchange. We offer exchanges within 30 days for any toys, equipment (crate, grooming supplies, etc.), and/or gear (collars, leashes, harnesses, etc.) that is still in new un-used condition, you have the tags, and you either have the receipt or we can locate the purchase on your client portal account on BusyPaws.
Respiratory Illnesses Policy (Covid-19, RSV, Flu, etc.)As of November, 2024 The safety and well-being of our clients and team is incredibly important to us. Although we do not require masks to be worn in classes at this time; we do encourage anyone who would prefer to wear a mask while in class to please do so. In keeping with Alberta Occupational Health & Safety legislation, we have a duty to ensure a safe and hazard free workplace. COVID-19 is classified as a biological hazard, and so, in order to mitigate potential risks of transmission, anyone exhibiting cold-like symptoms is asked not to attend classes until symptoms have fully resolved.
Switching Class PolicyUnless the switch has been initiated by the Trainer, this is only possible if the class you want to switch to is for the same course, not currently at maximum participation, and your dog will still meet the age requirement for that class at the time of the switch. For this reason, please plan accordingly before enrolling.
Training Methods PolicyWe proudly practice and teach each client to use training methods that are aversive-free and reward-based for their dog. Our certified trainers are enthusiastic about using training protocols that feature: No physical force or violence. No psychological fear, intimidation, or coercion. No physical pain or discomfort. The giving and withholding of rewards has extremely strong motivating capabilities and we use this proven knowledge to build desirable behaviours and good habits in our dogs so that they can thrive as companions in their human-centric world. We do not recommend, endorse, or purposefully employ the use of any aversive training techniques to make a dog stop or start doing something that we prefer (i.e., to change their behaviour). Our approach to training is based on verified replicable data from peer-reviewed published research completed across all applicable fields to date and growing. The consensus in the scientific community at this time is that taking a rewards-based approach to learning is more likely to produce strong long-term behaviour without risking any of the common detrimental side effects that can occur due to the purposeful use of aversive training methods. You and your dog deserve to learn with kindness from a competent certified trainer. With this in mind, our company does not allow the use of any tools or techniques for training purposes that are deliberately designed to change behaviour by being inherently noxious to a dog when used correctly such as, shock collars (e-collars), choke chains, slip leads, prong collars, certain types/brands of head collars, tightly fitted martingale collars, spray bottles, chain pillows, Pet Corrector/Spray Shield, air horns, shaker cans, leash pops/corrections, or spacial pressure. Click here to learn more about aversive dog training methods: the fallout and why it matters.
Travel Fee Policy - Private TrainingAll in-home and mobile private training prices incorporate the cost for travel up to a max of 80km round-trip from your trainer's home address in Calgary. Any travel beyond this distance is billed at $0.75 per km in addition to the service price.
Can I attend Teen Social classes with my adolescent dog if I haven't participated in another training program with Raising Fido?No, unfortunately not. For safety reasons, all dogs attending our Teen Social class must be known to us. We need to have a good understanding of each dog’s play style to do our best to ensure a positive experience for everyone involved. Additionally, each class is limited to six dogs, and we prioritize availability for clients who are actively participating in our other training services. Eligibility for Teen Social is based on two key criteria: Current or Previous Client: You must have participated in at least one of our other training services. However, this doesn’t automatically qualify your dog for Teen Social. Not all dogs enjoy interacting with others, and some may not yet have the confidence to navigate and benefit from the class. If your dog is struggling with dog-dog interactions, this class likely isn’t going to change that. Moreover, since the sessions are held outdoors in a large fenced area, we can’t create smaller, matched groups like we previously could when we had our indoor training centre, making it even more important that only eligible dogs attend. Positive Social Experience: The goal of the class is to give young dogs the opportunity to continue developing their communication skills in a safe, controlled environment, supervised by a certified trainer. The trainer will monitor interactions, provide guidance on behaviour, and answer any questions. If it’s determined that your dog is likely to be overwhelmed, Teen Social can hinder their confidence rather than build it. In such cases, we recommend private training as an alternative. This allows us to hand-select which dogs will be best suited to assist your dog and we will be able to focus on your dog throughout the entire session to help you reach your goals.
Can I purchase one private training session at a time?Here is an outline of how our private training process works: Initial Consultation: We start with an initial consultation to better understand your dog's behaviour, your goals, gather in-depth specific details pertaining to the challenges you want to work on, and provide suggestions for helpful management strategies you can implement right away where applicable. This appointment can be done in person or virtually. Customized Training Program Proposal: Based on the information gathered during the consultation, your trainer will develop individualized training plans to help resolve your challenges and set you up to achieve the established goals. Within a week following your appointment you'll receive a follow up email with notes from the session and an overview of the proposed plan. Training Sessions: You'll schedule regular training sessions to work through the contents of your program with your trainer. Progress Evaluation: Throughout the training process, we'll assess your dog's progress and make any necessary adjustments to the training plans. Consistency and adherence to each element of your dog's training program is key to achieving lasting results. We prioritize client success and understand that behaviour change takes time and dedication. This is why we don't provide the option for people to purchase single one-off training sessions following the initial consultation. To move forward with a private training program we require an upfront minimum session commitment to ensure the best results for you and your dog. During the initial consultation, you will meet us, and we will assess your situation to develop a tailored plan. Your trainer will then propose a training plan and estimate the number of sessions needed together to help you meet your goals. Please note that there is no obligation to continue with the training after the consultation. If you decide to proceed, you can start the recommended program anytime within 90 days of your appointment. When seeking private training for multiple dogs, please add $50 for each additional dog to the price of the initial consultation. Payment at the time of booking is required in order to confirm your appointment. Pricing includes up to 80km of round-trip travel for the trainer and private secure off leash area rental (if/when applicable). Any additional travel beyond 80km incurs a fee of $0.75 per km. A volume discount applies for programs consisting of more than 6 training sessions, please inquire for details.
Can I book a spot in multiple Puppy Social classes if my puppy meets the age & size criteria?Yes! You can only book into one class per day, but our program is designed to offer regular quality socialization experiences for you and your puppy. If you have a small puppy who seems to like to play with bigger puppies your trainer will advise if they determine your pup is best suited to one group over the other based on their behaviour during each class. Your Puppy Social membership grants access to one appropriately designated class per scheduled day until your pup reaches 18 weeks of age. Puppy Social participants are eligible to continue on with our exclusive Teen Social classes if desired. A booking is always required for each individual Puppy Social class you wish to attend.
Can Raising Fido recommend another dog behaviour centre or trainer who offers group classes in Calgary?While we respect many other training providers in the city, we can't guarantee the same experience elsewhere. We encourage you to be meticulous in your selection process, as the industry is unregulated and real transparency can be hard to find. If you feel the need to seek training options outside of Raising Fido, please watch this quick video, which reviews three essential questions to ask when considering hiring a trainer: The Alberta Force Free Alliance Directory is a list of approved providers who have undergone a basic screening process pertaining mostly to ethics and conduct. It's also very important to assess competency; look for reputable credentials, for example: Pet Professional Guild: Professional Canine Behavior Consult – Accredited (PCBC-A) The Academy for Dog Trainers: Certificate in Training & Counselling (CTC) International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants: Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC) Note that there is a big difference between someone being a paying member of a professional association, possessing certificates from seminars, and having completed a legitimate certification process that involved testing – it’s important not to confuse this when reviewing credentials. We suggest avoiding any further research into a provider who does not possess at least one reputable credential.
Do you do in-home private training?Absolutely! We offer in-home training, which takes place at your residence, as well as mobile training at a designated location confirmed by your trainer. Additionally, virtual training sessions are available, and you can book a combination of these options. All private training prices include travel up to 80 km round trip from your trainer's home address. For details on travel fees for distances beyond that, please refer to our Travel Fee Policy.
Do I have to start with an Initial Consult?Yes, all private training programs need to start with an initial consult because it is how we learn about you, your dog, and your goals for training. Although we don't focus on training in this consultation, you will leave with management techniques to start implementing right away.
Do I have to use food to train?Food is used a lot in training because it's a quick, convenient, and potent reward that we can use to reinforce behaviour that we like. However, anything your dog values can be used as a reward at some point whether it’s food, play, attention, or access to a desired place or object. We'll teach you how to determine what your dog values and when they value it most so that you can deliver the appropriate reward to your pup whenever you'd like to try and reinforce what he's doing. You'll see us using food treats most often for training at this stage because for many dogs, the fastest way to their brains is through their stomachs! Using small bits of food is a highly effective way to reward behaviours as they are being learned because they can be delivered repeatedly and rapidly throughout a training session. Plus, they are often the single best motivational tool we have to help your dog train successfully around the normal distraction levels of the classroom. Even though food of some sort is usually pretty high on a dog's list of favourite things, food won't be the only type of reward you use 100% of the time. Once your dog has learned to perform a behaviour really well in a variety of settings, food can often be swapped out for access to other things they like and then using food to reward on occasion to help keep the behaviour intact. It takes a lot of time and considerable skill to get to this point though, and many owners try to take away the food rewards too soon which results in the behaviour you like starting to crash. Our advice is this: for most dogs, we should plan on training with food as our reward for pretty much anything we want to reinforce (see more of from our dog) for the first 2 years of their life with us. Then, we could try mixing it up by switching between different types of things we know our dog likes.
Do I stay at the class with my puppy during Puppy Socials?Yes! Every puppy in attendance requires one person at least 18 years of age or older to participate in the class with them. At this time we are limiting attendance to two people per puppy at the Socials due to space constraints. If planning to bring a child under 12 to class with you, we ask to please bring a stationary activity that they enjoy and can engage with throughout the training class should they get bored along the way.
How can I stay updated on any future changes or updates?Our current and past clients will be the first to receive any business or operational updates, ongoing support, and any special offerings. Communication takes place via individual client accounts on our portal, our e-newsletter, our private Facebook group (for existing clients only), and our social media accounts (facebook & instagram) For prospective clients, stay informed by creating an account on our client portal, signing up to receive our e-newsletter, and/or following our public social channels (facebook & instagram).
How do I book a service with Raising Fido?Why do I need to create an account? You are required to create an account on our client portal, BusyPaws, in order to book any of our services. This allows you to easily manage your bookings, purchase packages, access memberships, etc. How do I create an account on BusyPaws? There are two ways to initiate an account with us: If you know which service you'd like to book: Visit our Public Self-Booking Portal. From there, you can book classes that don't require prerequisites, or view information on those that do. You can also find information about how to book individual private services. When you hit the BOOK button on any service, you’ll be guided through the booking process and prompted to enter your email. Once your booking is submitted, your account will be created, and you'll be prompted to complete our New Account Information form as the next step. If you’re not ready to book yet, can’t find the service you need on the Public Self-Booking Portal, or want to book a private training service: Go directly to our New Account Information Form. Complete the form, and your account will be created. What happens after I create my account? Once your account is set up, you'll be able to directly manage your bookings, book future services, purchase packages, manage memberships, view training reports, send and receive communication from us all directly through your account. Need further assistance? If you need help or have questions while creating your account, feel free to reach out to us at
How do I know if my dog is going into heat and how long does it last?There are technically 4 phases that make up the full "heat cycle" of a female dog. The entire "in heat" process can take up to 4 weeks to run its course (2 phases). Although your dog can no longer become pregnant at this point in their cycle, certain hormones will now start to increase in dogs who are not pregnant; it can take anywhere up to 3 months for these hormone levels to return to "normal". During this time you might notice behavioural changes in your dog which could be attributed to the temporary hormone increase and may or may not subside once she completes this phase of her cycle. Click on this link for a more thorough overview of this topic from Kingsdale Animal Hospital. If you have any questions about the heat cycle in your dog, we recommend contacting your veterinarian directly.
How long are Private Training Programs valid for?Training plans established in a private training initial consult are valid to start within 90 days from your appointment date. If you contact us to start your training program more than 90 days following your initial consult, a new consult is required. You must re-book an initial consult at the current posted rate. All purchased private training programs are valid for 1 year from their purchase date. Please note, any sessions that are added on following the commencement of your program are also valid for one full year from their purchase date and are not connected to the program start date.
How many dogs will be in each Puppy Social class?While the exact number of participants may change from class to class, right now we cap registrations at 8 puppies for the small/medium group and 6 puppies for the medium/large group. All socials require a minimum of 2 registrants by at least 24 hours prior to class starting in order to proceed. Any client's who have reserved a spot in an upcoming class will be notified prior to class commencement if it has been cancelled due to the number of reservations being below the minimum threshold.
How many people can I bring to the class with me and what about young kids?We encourage all family members involved in your dog’s training to attend class, but it’s ultimately your choice if you prefer to relay the information. Currently, we have a limit of two people per dog per class as we get adjusted to our new rental space. We recommend bringing only those most involved in your pup’s daily training or rotating attendance if that works better for you. For consistency, we suggest that at least one of the two attendees has participated in previous classes, especially for Life Skills Level 1, as the classes build on one another. Children can be great trainers, but they may need special consideration given the class duration. There will be times when your child needs to sit quietly while the trainer speaks, so please assess whether this will be challenging for them or affect your concentration. Occasionally, children may interact with the other dogs in the class, but only when instructed by the trainer, and they must follow all provided instructions. We’ve found that younger children can get bored quickly, and we want everyone to be able to focus on learning while enjoying the experience. If you anticipate any challenges, consider bringing a favourite quiet activity for your child to engage with.
I heard that my dog will never learn to walk on a loose leash if I don't use a Martingale style collar, is that true?Modern dog trainers focus on rewarding dogs for the behaviour of walking with a loose leash as opposed to focusing on punishing a dog via collar tightening, jerking, or any other kind of physical correction when they aren't walking on a loose leash. We teach loose leash walking in a way that the collar and leash are merely for safety and legalities, but is not a necessary tool for training your dog to walk closer to you. Martingale collars were originally developed as a safety collar to be used with dogs whose heads are the same width as their necks (think greyhounds) so that they cannot accidentally back-out of their collar and possibly endanger themselves or others. Somewhere along the way these started to be used in a similar fashion to a choke chain and purposefully sized too tightly. There are indeed appropriate safety uses for Martingale style collars, but teaching loose leash walking or any other skill, is not one of them. To learn more about martingale collars, including the correct way for it to be fitted, check out this document from the Edmonton Humane Society.
I have cold-symptoms and can't make it to class, what should I do?We ask that you avoid attending class if you're feeling unwell to ensure the safety of others. While we don't offer make-up classes, we will send you all handouts and homework if you miss a session. If possible, you can send a family member or friend in your place. For more details, please refer to our Missed Class/Make-Up Policy and our Respiratory Illnesses Policy.
I purchased a Puppy Social membership so why do I have to book my spot for each class I want to attend?Classes have been designed specifically with minimum and maximum participant number requirement per class to arrange the environment in a way that sets up a conducive learning experience for you and your pup. By requiring each participant to book their spot for each class through our client portal it allows you greater scheduling flexibility while ensuring that your class will never be overbooked so that you and your pup can get the attention you deserve.
Is it safe to bring my puppy, even before they are fully vaccinated?Absolutely! We have a high standard cleaning protocol for disease control to ensure the risk of exposure is well mitigated for all puppies while in our training centre. Puppies can safely start attending socialization classes 7 days following their first round of core vaccines. See our vaccination policy for more details. When it comes to psychological safety you and your puppy are always in good hands with an experienced certified professional trainer who works to ensure that each puppy is comfortable and able to proceed at their own pace to help prevent any deliberate overwhelming or frightening experiences. The trainer will teach you how best to respond if your puppy does have a fright or spook in order to protect their emotional development and your training. To learn more about the current best practice recommendations for when to begin socialization training with your puppy from the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior click here.
My dog isn't spayed yet. What if she starts to go into heat after we've already started a scheduled group training course?Most female dogs go into heat for the first time between 5 to 12 months old, though this can vary significantly based on breed and individual genetics. Smaller breeds may experience sexual maturity as early as 4 months, while giant breeds may not go into heat until 18 to 24 months. The "in heat" phase of your dog's reproductive cycle can last up to 4 weeks on average, depending on individual factors. During this time, your dog will not be able to attend classes for several reasons. To ensure safety and allow sufficient time for lingering pheromones and hormones to diminish, we ask that you take at least a 6-week break from classes starting from the first day of her heat. Your dog will emit pheromones for several weeks leading up to her heat, which may result in changes in her behaviour or the behaviour of other dogs around her. If this occurs while in class, you can begin your break then, but we still require a 6-week break from the actual first day of her heat. We will transfer any remaining sessions of your current training course to the first available space following the 6-week period and look forward to welcoming you both back to continue your training! Alternatively, you may choose to transfer to a private training program to avoid the break.
Should I wait to start bringing my puppy to classes if he is super shy right now?We encourage you to begin attending our Shy or Young Puppy Social right away. Your puppy is young and will be more receptive to the careful, gentle socialization in a controlled environment with safe people, puppies , and various other novelty than he will be later on. There is a lot we can do right now to help increase his confidence and prepare him for the world that isn't likely to be as easy to try and do once he's older. There is a lot of conflicting information out there, but all puppies should be attending a well-run puppy socialization training class or participating in socialization-focused private training program no matter their current temperament and this is supported by the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behaviour. We completely understand your concern and your desire to want to prevent your puppy from being frightened, but shyness left unattended can contribute to the development of tougher issues as he matures, fear-based aggression is one example. But you may be able to completely avoid this by taking advantage of this sensitive development period that your dog is experiencing (approx. 8-16 weeks) by participating in our Puppy Social program. Once your puppy moves into his adolescent stage of development he can still learn to be less shy/fearful of different things, but the issue is that progress is likely to be much slower for a number of reasons.
What is puppy socialization?Puppy socialization is a classical conditioning and desensitization training process in which puppies are exposed to new experiences involving novel stimuli which they are likely to encounter throughout their life. This is deliberately done in an effort to help them form a positive conditioned emotional response by inserting ourselves into the process to ensure that we make good things happen in the presence of new and strange things (different humans, animals, sounds, visuals and textures) so that they develop a bias away from fear which is the natural default emotion for survival in animals. Pleasant socialization experiences, or the absence of them, can impact your dog's temperament as an adult. More than playtime, socialization is a key process in which dogs learn and define relationships and emotions to humans, animals, and experiences. By utilizing early socialization in puppyhood, humans can assist dogs in adjusting to the world and what may come. Instead of allowing each novel experience to happen suddenly, appropriate simulations are put on by breeders and puppy raisers to allow for desensitization during prime developmental periods. It is pertinent to note that socialization is a prominent ontological factor, but it is not the only component with an effect. Components, such as maternal care, prenatal influences, genetics and selective breeding, also contribute to a dog’s complete adult temperament (Swanson, 2020).
What is the adolescent period of development for dogs and why is it important to know about?Adolescence is the maturation of adult and social behaviours happening alongside the physical maturation process better known as puberty. These are two different development processes that happen during the same time frame which is approximately 4 - 24 months of age. The most notable changes in a dog's behaviour will occur between 6-12 months of age and for intact dogs that time frame usually is increased to 14-18 months. Dog's reach social maturation anywhere from approximately 18 months to 3 years old and it corresponds with a lot of cognitive changes within their brain, like us, dogs undergo extensive re-organization of their brain's circuitry during this time. It is important to know about this because dogs age 2 and under is the top demographic in relinquishment cases (surrenders to shelter, rehome, etc.). Many people get caught off guard by behaviour changes during this time that they think are abnormal and weren't prepared to experience. We're here to help guide you.
What is the Socialization Period for dogs and why is it referred to as a "critical" time for puppies?The scientific community is generally in agreement that this period spans the first 3 - 16 weeks of a dog's life. It's referred to as a critical time because it's believed to be the most influential for early brain development and long-term social and behavioral resiliency. This makes it the best time for dogs to be exposed to novelty in ways they find pleasant to increase the likelihood of growing into what is considered a well-adjusted adult. "Of the five canine life stages, the first few months encompassing the neonatal, transitional, and socialization periods (0–12 weeks) are thought to be most influential for early brain development and long-term social and behavioral resiliency... Limited early exposure to animate and inanimate cues results in fear and avoidance of environmental stimuli, which may affect future learning and, consequently, behavioral outcomes" (Dinwoodie et al., 2021). However, research also shows that exposure to novel stimuli during this time cannot guarantee that your dog will not develop fears as they grow since there is continuous interaction between their genetics and their experiences, but purposeful pleasant early socialization can help to mitigate. Check out this great blogpost to learn even more about why "later" is too late.
What happens at a Puppy Social?Puppy Socials run for 45-minutes and include a lot of narrated puppy group play that will help you learn to interpret dog body language. You'll learn how to tell if your dog is having fun during an interaction with another dog, person, or object and observe trainer-led demonstrations followed by practice with your own puppy. There are a variety of core training topics discussed on a rotating basis, you'll help your puppy interact with novel stimuli within the safety of the classroom in a way that they find pleasant and enjoyable, plus the trainer will provide helpful tips, advice, and suggestions for puppies.
What do I need to bring with me to class?Dogs should ideally wear a flat buckle quick-release collar (meaning a snap clasp not belt buckle style) and a good fitting harness if you've already purchased one prior to starting class and have worked on slowly introducing it to your dog using lots of yummy treats. Flat (not rope style) leash that is a minimum length of 5-ft, but preferably at least 6-ft. Favourite toy or chew. Small mat or towel that fits your dog's entire body length and width At least two hands full of tiny-sized yummy treats (no bigger than half the size of your pinky nail) in a waist pack or treat pouch if you have one for ease. Water is always available, but you are welcome to bring your own travel container.
Why do nearly all of your classes involve off leash dog interaction/play?Our passion centres around the behaviourally healthy development of puppies and adolescent dogs and play has a big role in that. Dogs are social animals and data suggests they enjoy the company of each others and can acquire some very important developmental skills like bite inhibition only really from interacting with on another. Based on what the research to date suggests, we firmly support the notion that opportunities to engage with other conspecifics should be provided regularly when it is safe to do so and there is mutual welfare benefit. The development of a well socialized dog who reads other dogs body language well and flexes their own style to increase comfort in others cannot happen without a good amount of practice - we pride ourselves on being able to offer this opportunity. Good education on dog play is important and we try to do everything we can to support it. There is tremendous benefit gained from our clients' perspective because we always have a certified trainer who narrates what's happening while managing play sessions. Participants learn the ins and outs of good play, what to do if you're not sure, things to watch for, identifying their own dog's preferred playstyle, and in many cases it helps to increase their own positive emotional responses to intensity in play whether it's their dog or others in the group that they can observe. Another benefit of allowing off leash dog-dog play during classes is the difference it can make for a lot of dogs with respect to then being able to better focus on the actual training lessons. Almost all group classes will include some element of off leash interaction between dogs and we do our best to communicate that these classes may not be appropriate for every dog. Dogs must be comfortable off leash with people and dogs in order to be a good fit for those classes. For dogs who are struggling with either, we offer semi-private and private training programs that are likely to be the best place to start!
Why did we have to close our training centre?After careful consideration, we made the difficult decision to close our brick-and-mortar training centre located at 42 Ave and 9 St S.E. in Calgary. Our priority has always been to deliver a high-quality experience that meets the standards our clients and their dogs deserve, while maintaining competitive pricing. Since taking over the space in March 2022, several unforeseen challenges arose after the building was quietly sold to property developers in January 2023. The goals of the new ownership group significantly collided with our ability to continue operating from that location, leading us to the heart-wrenching decision to vacate the space. As of November 2024 our group training classes are being held at Sit Happens! and Play Unleashed. All private training services are offered either virtually or in-person at your home or a designated mobile meeting location in and around Calgary.
Why is payment required at the time of booking?There are several important reasons why we require payment at the time of booking that provide benefit to both our clients and our business. Securing Your Booking When you make a booking and pay upfront, it's a guarantee that we will hold that spot for you. Without prepayment, it can be challenging to manage our schedule and resources effectively. Reducing No-Shows Requiring payment upfront helps reduce the number of no-shows or late cancellations. When clients invest financially in their reservation, they are more likely to honour it. This helps us minimize lost revenue and allows us to better serve clients. Resource Allocation Our business allocates resources, such as staff, materials, and time, based on the bookings we have. Knowing that a client has paid helps us plan and allocate resources efficiently, ensuring a smoother experience for everyone. Fairness to All Clients Requiring upfront payment ensures fairness to all clients. It prevents any one client from repeatedly booking and canceling without consequences, which can disrupt our operations and disadvantage other clients who may have wanted the same appointment time or spot in a group class. Elevated Experience By taking payment at the time of booking, it allows us to provide you with a streamlined arrival and departure experience from your sessions or classes while you have your dog in tow. Financial Security From a business perspective, upfront payment provides us with financial security. It helps cover our operating costs, pay our staff, and invest in improving our services. We understand that this policy may not be suitable for everyone; our aim is to strike a balance between client convenience and ensuring the smooth operation of our business. If you have any concerns or questions about this policy, please feel free to get in touch. We're here to assist you and provide any additional information you may need (
Where are your classes located?Sit Happens! @ 2180 Pegasus Way NE, Calgary Puppy Social (small & medium dogs) Puppy Social (medium & large dogs) Life Skills Level 1 Life Skills Level 2 Play Unleashed @ 10135 Township Rd 264, Rocky View Teen Social (small & medium dogs) Teen Social (medium & large dogs) Life Skills Level 3 is a mobile class, each week the group meets at a different location in and around Calgary.
Are your classes accessible to those with mobility limitations?The room where we host Puppy Social, Life Skills Level 1, and Life Skills Level 2 is located up a flight of stairs at Sit Happens! There is no elevator on the premises which makes it unaccessible for individuals with mobility limitations that would require the use of an elevator. For Teen Social, there are no stairs to navigate; however, these sessions are held outside and participants do need to walk over uneven terrain to reach the designated area. Once inside the fenced rental area where the class is held, a picnic table is available for seating, along with additional wooden features throughout the park. Life Skills Level 3 is a mobile course where the location of class varies from week to week. In most cases, there should not be issues with accessibility, but this cannot be guaranteed. Attendees should expect to be walking and/or standing for a majority of the time.
How do I update/change information on my account?Click here to complete our Profile Information Update form.
How do I navigate the client portal after I've created my account?We have recorded a short video to walk you through the features of our client portal system, BusyPaws. Click here to watch the demonstration on YouTube.
How do I add more pet profiles to my account?Click here to complete our Additional Dog Information form.
How do I reset my password?Click here to reset your password in BusyPaws.
How do I log in to my account?On our website there is an account login button at the top of each page you can click to be taken to the login page. Otherwise you can click this link to go there right now.
What happened to Gingr, the previous booking system? Can I still access my account?In August 2024, we transitioned from our previous booking platform, Gingr, to our new system, BusyPaws. A client communication was sent to all Gingr account holders notifying them of the change. Clients had until the end of August to download any important information from their Gingr profile, such as past invoices, training reports, and media, before access to Gingr ended. If you had an account with us in Gingr, we have already imported your basic information into BusyPaws to create a new account. To activate your account, you just need to set your password first by clicking here.
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